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经典产品 / JDCP More
2014 - 10 - 30
产品:耐热玻璃水壶 1200ml颜色:绿色 / 白色 / 紫色 / 粉色 / 蓝色尺寸:245×137×92mm材质:高硼硅玻璃+食品级硅胶产品特点:耐热高硼硅玻璃与食品级硅胶组合,呈现一款每家每户家居必备的日用水壶。        最安全的饮水器具,水壶选用高硼硅耐热玻璃,耐酸性为一级,耐碱性为A级,膨胀系数低,其瞬间承受温差可达-20℃-130℃。壶盖采用德国进口医用级瓦克硅胶制作,绝无异味,健康安全,保证更持久柔软性,耐用性够厚够份量,才能够耐热。壁厚加厚至2.8mm,净重达500克,具有更高的耐冲击强度及更好耐热性。经过1200度高温烘烤,人工吹制成形。每一个产品都独一无二,1200ml大容量,居家必备。大容量水壶每天添水2~4次,满足一家人一天的喝水需求。
2014 - 10 - 30
选用布料 : 韩国进口网布/意大利进口牛皮坐垫泡棉:座垫采用高弹性泡棉,一次性发泡成型机械扶手:4D扶手,可以升降,扶手面可以左右摆动座椅机构:意大利进口机构 ,进口倾仰机构,进口气压棒活动轮脚:高强度铝合金五星脚,抛光处理选用基材:高密度微粒板、纤维板,抗弯力强,不易变形基材选用进口中、高密度微粒板、纤维板,抗弯力强,不易变形油漆德国百德润,渗透性和附着力特强,与木材持久结合,与传统树脂类涂料不同的是木材可以自由呼吸,随气候变化得到调节可延缓变形,最大程度避免开裂。气泡、渣点,颜色均匀;德国“百德润”环保聚酯漆,5遍面漆,3遍底漆。其性能达到耐火、耐污、耐酸、耐磨经全自动滚漆干燥机加工,色泽均匀一致,不出现退色、返白现象,耐污、耐火、耐酸、耐磨产品表面平坦光滑,无划伤、开裂和变形,平整度达到≤2mm可选参数台面颜色/材质
2014 - 10 - 30
食品材料:精选马来西亚大盐虾、马铃薯、西洋花、圣女果可选酱料:黑椒汁、葱香汁、甜酸酱可选配菜:意粉、法式面包使用食油:橄榄油是否油腻:少许油腻供应时间:12:00 - 16:00 1. 虾营养丰富,且其肉质松软,易消化,对身体虚弱以及病后需要调养的人是极好的食物;2. 虾中含有丰富的镁,镁,对心脏,活动具有有重要的调节作用,能很好的保护心血管系统,它可减少血液中胆固醇含量,防止动脉硬化,同时还能扩张冠状动脉,有利于预防高血压及心肌梗死;3. 虾的通乳作用较强,并且富含磷、钙、对小儿、孕妇尤有补益功效;4. 日本大阪大学的科学家最近发现,虾体内的虾青素有助于消除因时差反应而产生的“时差症”。虾忌与某些水果同吃。虾含有比较丰富的蛋白质和钙等营养物质。如果把它们与含有鞣酸的水果,如葡萄石榴、山楂、柿子等同食,不仅会降低蛋白质的营养价值,而且鞣酸和钙离子结合形成不溶性结合物刺激肠胃,引起人体不适,出现呕吐、头晕、恶心和腹痛腹泻等症状。海鲜与这些水果同吃至少应间隔2小时。中老年人、孕妇、心血管病患者、肾虚阳痿、男性不育症、腰脚无力之人更适合食用;同时适宜中老年人缺钙所致的小腿抽筋者食用;宿疾者、正值上火之时不宜食虾;体质过敏,如患过敏性鼻炎、支气管炎、反复发作性过敏性皮炎的老年人不宜吃虾;另外虾为动风发物,患有皮肤疥癣者忌食。
2014 - 10 - 30
灯罩辅材质: PMMA高透光率灯罩灯身辅材质: ABS+五金底盘体积: <0.5m毛重: 3.2KG 灯身主材质: ABS+五金底盘 颜色分类: 方形【客厅25-30㎡】LED三段分控型 圆形-双段分控升级版【卧室10-15㎡】LED带夜灯模式 圆形-单控型【卧室10-15㎡】LED非分控款灯罩主材质: PMMA高透光率灯罩光源 类型: LED工艺: 镂空雕花光源个数: 1照射面积: 10m^2 -15m^2灯具是否带光源: 带光源电压: 220V功率: 22W 适用空间: 餐厅 书房 卧室 其他/other 小卧 会议室 小客厅风格: 简约现代        不同光源的灯具适用的场所各有不同,如使用普通白炽灯泡、荧光灯的吸顶灯主要用于居家、教室、办公楼等空间层高为4米左右场所的照明;功率和光源体积较大的高强度气体放电灯主要用于体育场馆、大卖场及厂房等层高在4至9米等场所的照明。为了既能为工作面取得足够的高度,同时又能省电,荧光吸顶灯通常是家居、学校、商店和办公室照明的首选。
2014 - 10 - 30
商品名称:KUMATV四核版(黑色)商品编号:1086364品牌:KUMA(10moons)商品重:0.736kg商品产地:中国大陆系统:Android功能:点播,游戏,教育,购物,多屏互动,健康,本地播放        数字机顶盒不仅是用户终端,还是网络终端,它能使模拟电视机从被动接收模拟电视转向交互式数字电视(如视频点播等),并能接入因特网,使用户享受电视、数据、语言等全方位的信 息服务。目前,有些人认为机顶盒就是用来使电视机上网,这是一种认识上的误区。实际上,数字机顶盒是走在普及数字电视机之前的宽带综合信息网的组成成员之一。随着数字技术、多媒体技术和网络技术的发展,将促使数字机顶盒内置和整个成本下降,让大多数用户在普通模拟电视机上实现既能娱乐,又能上网等多种服务。
2014 - 10 - 30
品牌: FORBABY厂商型号: P680颜色分类: 雪山白车架+紫色蓬垫 雪山白车架+黑色蓬垫 雪山白车架+红色蓬垫 香槟金车架+紫色蓬垫 适用年龄: 36个月以下承重: 15kg        7个月以下的宝宝因为不能坐立,应该选用靠背可调节的坐卧两用型婴儿车,这种婴儿推车一般可以大角度(165°-170°)平躺,有的甚至可以180°平躺,有些采用欧美设计理念的婴儿推车还有独立睡篮婴儿可以完全平躺在里面。 对于7个月以上的宝宝,婴儿推车的选择上限制相对较小,因为这时的宝宝能够坐立,可以选择功能较少但便携性很强的婴儿伞车,如果经济条件较好,也可以选择普通的婴儿推车或者多功能婴儿推车。        要注意配合宝宝的年龄。由于初生至6个月大的宝宝需要较长的睡眠时间,而日间也很多时间需要小睡休息,因此婴儿车最好是可供平放的,方便宝宝随时入睡,且椅背有一定硬度,以提供足够承托力,避免宝宝脊骨受损。6个月以上的宝宝则较适合使用座椅式,方便宝宝坐着四处观看。
2014 - 10 - 30
产品名称:移动云路由器 Q307R品牌: 移动云型号: Q307R 颜色分类: 黑色是否无线: 无线无线传输速度: 300Mbps无线传输速率: 300Mbps 网络标准: 802.11b 802.11g 802.11n 无线网络支持频率: 2.4G适用对象: 网络安全路由器 宽带路由器 家用USB 接口数量: 不支持是否支持VPN: 不支持是否内置防火墙: 是是否支持WDS: 支持是否支持WPS: 支持是否可拆: 不可拆售后服务: 全国联保成色: 全新        路由器作为网络设备中的“黑匣子”,工作在后台。用户选择路由器时,多从技术角度来考虑,如可延展性、路由协议互操作性、广域数据服务支持、内部ATM支持、SAN集成能力等。另外,选择路由器还应遵循如下基本原则:即标准化原则、技术简单性原则、环境适应性原则、可管理性原则和容错冗余性原则。对于高端路由器,更多的还应该考虑是否和如何适应骨干网对网络高可靠性、接口高扩展性以及路由查找和数据转发的高性能要求。高可靠性、高扩展性和高性能的“三高”特性是高端路由器区别于中、低端路由器的关键所在。
常见问题 / FAQ More
  • 1

    investment director / deputy director

    面试地点: Room 1808
    招聘人数: 0
    Published: 2016 - 01 - 28


    Medical and health industry investment director / deputy director of investment

    description of job:

    1. Responsible for the investment in the medical and health industry, organize and lead the team to conduct due diligence on the project, complete the investment feasibility analysis report, organize post-sale management;

    2. Responsible for the health care industry investment strategy research and industry analysis, and guide the direction of investment projects;

    3. To have a wealth of project resources, to independently expand their business, the development of project sources; coordination of the implementation of the project stakeholders, integration and maintenance of project-related external resources, the whole project;

    4. Responsible for the design of the project transaction structure, the implementation of investment projects and exit, control and management of project implementation progress;

    5. Actively cooperate and assist other departments to carry out the necessary market work.

    job requirements:

    1. Master degree or above, with medical, pharmacy, biology and other related professional qualifications and related work experience is preferred;

    More than 5 years of medical and health industry practitioners or investment experience, leading more than 2 medical projects or more than three medical and health industry investment or mergers and acquisitions, with industry development forward - looking vision of the industry and the value of the enterprise has a profound understanding;

    3. Have a good team spirit, customer communication or business negotiation skills;

    4. Have good writing and language skills; strong logical thinking and analysis and judgment ability;

    5. Has a strong ability to compress, can adapt to frequent travel;


    Location: Beijing



  • 2

    TMT Industry Investment Director / Deputy Director

    面试地点: 北京市西城区金融大街28号院盈泰商务中心2号楼18层
    招聘人数: 1
    Published: 2016 - 02 - 16

     description of job:

    1.Responsible for the investment of TMT industry, organize and lead the team to carry out due diligence investigation, valuation, investment plan formulation, complete investment feasibility analysis report, organization postponement management and so on;

    2.Responsible for the TMT industry market and future development strategies for research and analysis, and guide the direction of investment projects;

    3.Has a wealth of project resources, to independently expand their business, the development of project sources; coordination of the implementation of the project stakeholders, integration and maintenance of project-related external resources, the whole project to promote;

    4.Responsible for tracking management of investment projects, assessing project risks, resolving existing problems in a timely manner, and preparing proposals for withdrawal of investment projects;

    5.Actively cooperate and assist other departments to carry out the necessary market work.

    job requirements:

    1.Master degree or above, with economic class, finance, electronic information engineering and other compound economics professional qualifications and related work experience is preferred;

    2.With more than 5 years of mobile Internet, culture and entertainment, or TMT investment industry practitioners or investment experience, leading more than 3 TMT industry investment or M & A experience; with industry development forward-looking vision, the industry and the value of the enterprise has a profound understanding;

    3.Proficient in TMT field project research and feasibility study and analysis, investment project management;

    4.Have a good team spirit, customer communication or business negotiation skills;

    5.Have good writing and language skills; strong logical thinking and analysis and judgment ability;

    6.Has a strong ability to withstand pressure, can adapt to frequent travel;

    Location: Beijing

  • 3

    Healthcare industry / TMT industry researcher

    面试地点: 北京市西城区金融大街28号院2号楼18层
    招聘人数: 1
    Published: 2016 - 02 - 16

     description of job:

    1. Responsible for dynamic research, tracking and investment value analysis of key enterprises in charge of industry and industry, establishment of investment model, writing investment research report;

    2. According to the characteristics of the industry, build and organize the industry's key enterprises and related industries database, and regular maintenance, in order to achieve the accumulation of industry data;

    3. Responsible for the feasibility study and equity investment research of the industry investment of the proposed investment enterprise; analyze and evaluate its current situation and development trend;

    4. Participate in the in-depth investigation of the proposed investment enterprise or the in-depth investigation of the listed company, and cooperate with other relevant business departments of the company for business and project support.

    5. A combination of national and local economic policy, the prospective study of the development of the industry to accurately determine the industry trends and market effects analysis, to provide industry research reports and investment strategies;

    6. To establish good interpersonal relationships in the industry, to obtain external resources, to provide professional support for the company's research;

    7. Cooperate with other departments of the company to complete the relevant research.

    job requirements:

    1. Master's degree or above, medical health, electronic information and other science and technology education background is preferred;

    2. More than 3 years of industry research or work related work experience;

    3. Strong ability of writing and interpersonal skills, excellent research and judgment, as well as data analysis and logical analysis;

    4. Have a good sense of responsibility, enterprising, strong ability to resist and team spirit;

    5. Have a good team spirit, customer communication or business negotiation skills;

    6. Has a strong ability to compress, can adapt to frequent travel;

    Location: Beijing


  • 4

    TMT Industry Senior Investment Manager

    面试地点: 北京市西城区金融大街28号院盈泰商务中心2号楼18号院
    招聘人数: 0
    Published: 2016 - 02 - 16

    description of job:

    1. Responsible for the TMT industry investment, and TMT industry investment research, industry analysis and industry policy tracking and technical trends research and other related work;

    2. Responsible for the project pre-market research, due diligence, investment analysis, competitor analysis, the preparation of feasibility study report;

    3. Design a reasonable investment, investment structure, investment strategy, complete the investment business negotiations and is responsible for the management of specific investment projects;

    4. Responsible for post-project management and value-added services.

    job requirements:

    1. Master degree (including) or above, with communication, computer, Internet, finance, economics, investment related professional qualifications and related work experience is preferred;

    2. More than 3 years experience in TMT industry, equity investment, M & A experience or related industry, and 1 complete TMT investment project experience;

    3. Has a strong mathematical analysis ability, good at the investigation report writing;

    4. Have a good team spirit, customer communication or business negotiation skills;

    5. Have good writing and language skills; strong logical thinking and analytical ability;

    6. Has a strong ability to compress, can adapt to frequent travel;


    Location: Beijing


 Shenzhen people Joint Venture Management Ltd.
Address: Xicheng District, Beijing Financial Street on the 28th Yingtai Business Center Building 2, 1808
电话:+86 0755-2955 6666
传真:+86 0755-2788 8009